Guidelines and Policies
Journal of Morphological Sciences is issued by SBA-Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia (Brazilian Society of Anatomy) and publishes scientific articles in the area of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
The publications include structure, functional morphology, animal development, as well all levels of structural organization from the submiscroscopical to macroscopical levels including comparative anatomy and in vitro systems.
The Journal of Morphological Sciences is currently indexed in the following databases: LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature), IMLA (Index Medicus Latino-Americano), Veterinary Science Database, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health e BIOSIS (Biological Abstracts and Zoological Record).
It is published four times a year, and each issue contains from 15-17 articles.
Editorial Policy
- It accepts articles in the areas of Neuroanatomy, Cytology, Histology, Embriology, Histochemistry, Electron Microscopy, Experimental Pathology, and Morphology.
- All submitted manuscripts to The Journal of Morphological Sciences should contain scientific research.
- The manuscript can be categorized as a Original Article, Short Communication, Review Article, or a Case report.
- All submitted manuscripts should contain original research, with novel theoretical contributions, not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Papers which have been submitted for scientific conferences, printed in thesis etc., an appropriate statement note should be included as a footnote.
- The editorial will contain brief information regarding a guest author.
- Authors are required to submit manuscripts electronically using the online submission system available at
- Works will be submitted to the Editorial Board’s review, and analyzed by two anonymous referees. In the case of disagreement between the reviews, a third referee will be heard, and following all reviews the decision on the acceptance of the manuscript will be made.
- The authors will be contacted via e-mail once the review procedure is complete.
- Accepted articles may be subject to changes, which are not to alter the original content of the submission, related to their manuscripts.
- If a paper is to be declined, it will be sent back to the author accompanied by the referees’ reviews.
- Authors and referees will be kept anonymous during the review process.
Submission of manuscript
Together with the manuscripts, all authors are required to submit the terms of agreement and submitting rights of graphic reproduction at
Form of the manuscript
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically only at
The language of all publications is English, and the text should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 point, with 1.5 spacing between lines and all pages should be numbered as follows:
1) Page 1
Title and Identification
1.1. Title
- "Word or sentence that identifies the manuscript content". (ABNT 6022).
- The full title and the subtitle (IF there is one) should be written in English.
- Titles should be no longer than 15 words.
- The title should not bear any abbreviations, and species names and Latin words should be in italics.
- The title must be given in boldface and centered (see below):
Diel variation in fish assemblages in tidal creeks in southern Brazil
1.2. Identification/affiliation
- Author’s name(s) and address:
- "The author who is responsible for the intellectual content of the manuscript". (ABNT 6022).
- The identification should include the first author’s full name (no abbreviations), and, in the line below, a brief curriculum qualifying the author in that specific field of knowledge plus a complete address. The same directions should apply to all the authors.
- The qualification/affiliation in the Field should include in the following order: Laboratory, College or School, Institute, and University.
- The address must be given below the qualification, must be given in the following order: number and street, borough, city, state, P.O. box, zip code (institution), and current author’s e-mail.
- Leave one line blank between the authors’ identification and their respective addresses.
Rodrigo Silva Santos.
Departament of Zoology, Biosciences Institute, State University of São Paulo – UNESP.
Av. 24ª, nº 1515, CEP 13506-900, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.
Felipe Braga.
Departament of Hydrobiology, Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar.
Via Washington Luiz, Km 235, CP 676, CEP 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil.
Please note the number of authors of an article is limited to a maximum of 10.
Should more people contribute to the article, they can be included in the acknowledgements.
2) Page 2
Abstract and keywords in English
2.1. Abstract
The abstract should be a single paragraph containing fewer than 250 words. It should be concise and indicate the content of the manuscript clearly stating the objective, the major findings, methodology, results, and the principal conclusions. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 point, with 1.5 spacing between lines. It should be preceded by the word "Abstract" and followed by the keywords.
The abstract should not include abbreviations and should be structured as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion.
2.1.1. Keywords
A list of up to 5 words directly below the abstract and preceded by the Word "keywords" should be provided. Keywords should express the precise content of the article.
Note: Page 2 should contain a short running title in English, as a footnote and no longer than 45 characters, to be printed at the head of each page.
3) Page 3
Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion
Leave one line blank between each topic
3.1. Introduction
- It should indicate briefly give the context of the study and the objective. It should clearly state how the research is related to others in the field studied. The reasons for undertaking it and what is new or important about this study should be clearly stated.
- The introduction should provide enough background information for the reader to understand the topic and contents of the paper,
- It should be preceded by the word "introduction" in boldface and followed by: (colon) and the text.
3.2. Materials and Methods
- A clear and thorough statement of the contents of the manuscript.
- The materials and methods used in the experiments should be reported in this section. It should mention the materials source (manufacturer, city, state, country), the supplier, the description of animals studied (number, sex, weight, age, species).
- Methods which have been previously described should be mentioned in brief only with proper references unless they have been modified in the present work.
- Newly introduced techniques should be described in detail to allow easy repetition.
- The text should be preceded by the words "Materials and Methods" in boldface and followed by: (colon).
- Tables, Figures, and Annexes and respective legends can be included when necessary. Hence they should be mentioned in the text because when the manuscript is submitted they come at the end of it.
3.3. Results
- Results should be clearly presented. Tables, figures, and annexes can also be used without data overlap.
- Tables, Figures, and Annexes and respective legends can be included when necessary. Hence they should be mentioned in the text because when the manuscript is submitted they come at the end of it.
- Phrases that express doubt such as "it seems to increase" or " it seems to be higher than" should be avoided.
- Non-significative results should not be used.
- The text should be preceded by the word "Results" in boldface and followed by: (colon).
3.4. Conclusion
- Should be concise. Hypothesis should be discarded. Consider other hypotheses when justified, but define them clearly.
- All the most relevant ideas that directly derive from the work should be precisely and concisely included. The conclusions should be related to the objectives and give an answer to the hypothesis of the study. Results interpretation should be related to what has been mentioned previously in the manuscript.
- Information given previously in the introduction, materials and methods, and results can be cited again in the conclusions, but authors should not repeat detailed data that were previously presented.
- The text should be preceded by the word "Conclusions" in boldface and followed by: (colon).
For the case report category, the article should be structured as Introduction, Case Report and Discussion; if the item Conclusion is necessary, it should be inserted after; for Short Communications, it should be structured as Introduction, Short Communication and Discussions. The Introduction and Discussion sections should follow the criteria in items 3.1 and 3.4.
4) Page 4
Acknowledgements and References
4.1. Acknowledgements
- Acknowledgements such as technical assistance, financial support, scholarships, and collaborations can be included when appropriate and names should be cited with consent
- Acknowledgements are placed at the end of report pages before the references.
- It should be preceded by the word "Acknowledgements" in boldface and followed by: (colon).
4.2. References
References should conform to the guidelines established in ISO 690/2010, should be arranged alphabetically and presente the name of all auhtors.
Examples of style for references:
4.2.1. Books
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, year of publication, title, subtitle (if there is one), edition, followed by the publishing house and place of publication.
MOORE, K.L., PERSAUD, T.V.N. and TORCHIA, M.G., 2013. The developing human clinically oriented embryology. 9th ed. Canada: Elsevier Saunders.
4.2.2. Book Chapter
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, year of publication, title, editors, book title, place of publication, publishing house and page number.
BURKE, G.L. and BELL, R.A., 2000. Trends in cardiovascular disease: incidence and risk factors. In: N.D. WONG, H.R. BLACK and J.M. GARDIN, eds. Preventive cardiology. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 21-46.
4.2.3. Thesis, Dissertations, and Monograph
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, year of publication, title, subtitle (if there is one), place (city), institution, page number and notes.
ALMEIDA, G.A., 1995. Resíduos de pesticida organoclorados no complexo esturinolagunar Iguape-cananéias e rio Ribeira e Iguape. São Paulo: Instituto de Oceanografia; Universidade de São Paulo, 95 p. Dissertação de Mestrado em Oceanografia Física.
4.2.4. Journal Articles
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, year of publication, article title, subtitle (if there is one), full title of the journal, volume, issue and page number.
ADALA, J.F. and CAMPOS, G.E.R., 2017. Effects of long-term physical exercise in the skeletal muscles of rats. Journal of Morphological Sciences, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 226-231.
4.2.5. Articles Previously Presented at Scientific Conferences
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, year of publication, title, editors, event name or title, event day, month and year, event place, place of publication, publishing house and page number.
KJESBU, O.S., 2010. The utility of gonad histology in studies of fish reproduction and the subsequent management of fisheries and ecosystems. In: D.M. WYANSKI and N.J. BROWN-PETERSON, eds. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Gonadal Histology of Fishes, 16-19 June 2009, El Pueto de Santa María, Spain. El Pueto de Santa María, Spain: Fish Reproduction and Fisheries; American Fishery Society/Marine Fishery Section, pp. 11-14.
4.2.6. Patents
AUTHORS’ SURNAME TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, first name initials, title of invention, country, industrial patent number, day, month year and notes, if applicable.
PÓ, W. Conversor eletrônico de lâmpadas. Brasil. Patente industrial, no. 6500856. 15-05-1985.
4.2.7. Institutions and Commercial websites
INSTITUTIONS AND COMMERCIAL NAMES TYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS, date [date of access (day, month, year)]. Available from: .
JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017 [viewed 07 December 2017]. Available from:
Figures, Charts, Tables and Graphs
- Figures, Charts, Tables and Graphs should be presented clearly.
- They should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 point, with 1.5 spacing between lines properly inserted and numbered sequentially into the text.
- Figures, Charts, Tables and Graphs should be as close as possible of the text in which they were mentioned.
- They should be properly titled and have legends.
- Images should have scan resolution of 300 dpi (81 mm ou 957 pixels); (167 mm ou 1972 pixels).
Units of Measure
- Use only SI units (International System of Units);
Reference citations
- All references should be cited in the text indicating the author’s surname followed by the year of publication.
Example: (Kjesbu, 2008) or Kjesbu (2008) - For references with two authors, both surnames should be cited joined by the word “and”.
Exemple: (Adala and Campos, 2017) or Adala and Campos (2017) - For references with more than two authors, text citations should be shortened to the primary name followed by “et al.”.
Example: (Moore et al., 2013) or Moore et al. (2013)
- Complement of the manuscript. Should be submitted at the end of the manuscript after the figures, charts, tables, and graphs.
- Complement citation of the manuscript. Should be submitted at the end of the manuscript after the figures, charts, tables, and graphs.
Advertise in JMS
Official journal of the Brazilian Society of Anatomy and the Panamerican Association of Anatomists. Publishes original research and reviews covering all aspects of morphology including: macroscopic and microscopic human and animal anatomies; history of morphological sciences; morphology and arts; education in morphology; techniques for the study of morphology; clinical and applied anatomy; compared morphology; pathological anatomy; anatomy and antropology; embriology and cell biology and morphology applied to another sciences.
Morphologists, Allied Health Professionals, Biologists, Dentists, Doctors, Pathologists, Veterinary Doctors,
Advertising and Special Services Contact Information
Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 2415 – Prédio Biomédicas III
Cep: 05508-900 – Cidade Universitária – São Paulo/SP
Tel /Fax: +55 11 3813 8587