Unilateral incomplete bifid ureter: a case report
Kumar, V.; Remya, V.
Introduction: There are many congenital anomalies of ureter has been described in various literatures. This kind of anomaly is takes special importance because they remain asymptomatic or clinically present as pyelonephritis or urinary lithiasis. Even information of this kind of variation is very useful for radiological diagnosis. Case Report: We have observed a right sided incomplete bifid ureter during dissection done for under graduates in our institution. The renal pelvis and ureter up to the pelvic brim was double and they were fused at the level of pelvic brim to form a single ureter. It finally opens into left lateral angle of the base of the urinary bladder by a single opening. Discussion: Normally ureter is a long tubular structure measuring 25?30 cm extending from renal pelvis to base of the urinary bladder, having thick muscular wall and a narrow lumen. Developmental variations like early splitting of ureteral bud can lead to such kind of anomaly. The incidence of bifid ureter is 0.5-3.0%. Thus early diagnosis of such asymptomatic conditions will prevent future complications and aid successful treatment.