Journal of Morphological Sciences
Journal of Morphological Sciences
Original Article

A preliminary study of the histochemical nature of neurosecretory material in different neurosecretory cell groups of the Heterometrus fulvipes (Koch) scorpion

K. Sobha; V. Kotturu; G.R. Nagalla; Srijit Das

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Histochemical studies are essential for the understanding of biochemical reactions of any metabolic activity. It is therefore desirable to study the histochemical nature of the neurosecretory substance, which plays a pivotal role in the regulation of all metabolic activities. The neurosecretory substance produced by the neurosecretory cells of the cephalothoracic nerve mass viz., the brain and the sub-oesophageal ganglion, is tested for proteins (Mercuric Bromo Phenol Blue method), lipids (Sudan Black B), carbohydrates (Periodic Acid/Schiff), aminoacids tyrosine (Millon’s reaction) and tryptophan (P-DMAB-No2), protein bound –NH2 groups (Ninhydrin/Schiff), –SH (Ferric Ferricyanide) and –SS groups (Performic acid/alcian blue) as well as Nucleic acids (Feulgen’s reaction and Methyl green-Pyronin Y). The results indicated the presence of carbohydrates other than glycogen, lipids, basic proteins, protein bound amino groups, aminoacids tyrosine and tryptophan, –SS and –SH groups, RNA and trace amounts of DNA. Thus, it is apparent that the neurosecretory cells of Heterometrus fulvipes contain glycolipoproteinaceous secretory material and that the phloxinophilic globules/accumulations are ‘Protein’ in nature.


histochemical nature, neurosecretory material, cephalothoracic nerve mass, glycolipoprotein, Heterometrus fulvipes
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