Journal of Morphological Sciences
Journal of Morphological Sciences
Original Article

Prenatal development of the myenteric plexus in human sigmoid colon

Singh, S.; Shariff, A.; Roy, T. S.; Kumar, H.

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Introduction: The enteric nervous system rivals the brain in complexity and can function independently. There are numerous reports on its development in gut but the literature is scant on the development of myenteric plexus in human sigmoid colon which is a site of various congenital and acquired diseases. This study represents a detailed qualitative morphometric analysis of the development of human sigmoid colonic innervation during second trimester. Material and Methods: Sigmoid colon from 12 aborted foetuses aged 14-23 weeks of gestation were processed for cresyl violet staining and NADPH-d histochemistry. Results: At 14weeks of gestation, both myenteric plexus and submucosal plexus were present and the size of the neurons with thickness of circular muscle was increased from 14-23weeks. Between 14-23weeks, there was remarkable increase in neuropil and nerve fibres in circular muscle. The neurons were more numerous in the mesenteric zone. Conclusion: There is an increase in the neuron size from 14-23weeks signifying maturational process. The circular muscle plexus is well developed at 23weeks. This study also revealed that there is correlation between the development of the circular muscle layer and the myenteric plexus. This study supports previous suggestions that nitrergic neurons are the subpopulation of neurons present in myenteric plexus. Such studies may answer important questions regarding the normal and pathologic development of the enteric nervous system.


enteric nervous system, myenteric plexus, sigmoid colon, weeks of gestation, submucosal plexus
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