Journal of Morphological Sciences
Journal of Morphological Sciences
Original Article

Prevalence of postural deviations in school of education and professional practice of physical education

L. Brianezi; D.C. Cajazeiro; L.B.M. Maifrino

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This study aimed to verify through postural assessment proposed by Kendall, McCreary and Provance (1990), the prevalence of postural alignment of elementary school students of both sexes, aged between seven and ten years. For the definition of the survey, was chosen a private school in the city of Hortolandia - SP were evaluated in 201 schools. The methodology was the demarcation of the spinous processes of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae of the students were evaluated after posterior and lateral views. Data were tabulated and treated statistically. The results showed a high incidence in postural deviations and asymmetries compared to existing research. It was observed that boys showed an incidence of kyphosis and lordosis higher than girls and that scoliosis is present in more girls.


postural evaluation, postural deviations, school
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